By Shawna Durick on Thursday, 28 November 2013
Category: Magic Hour Foundation

Thanksgiving Charity Feature 3 | Magic Hour Foundation

Today's featured charity I donate sessions to is The Magic Hour Foundation  .  Magic Hour donates photo sessions and digital images to individuals and families who are fighting, or have fought cancer.  (From the Magic Hour web page : "We are a national network of professional photographers who want to serve the individuals and families who are fighting cancer by providing them with the ability to celebrate the truly important things in life through photography. These charitable portrait sessions will provide an opportunity to be normal - just relax, smile and have fun with loved ones. Above all, we will strive to express compassion and love as we support them and pray for God’s grace in their lives, no matter the outcome of their battle")  I'm pretty sure there isn't a person out there who hasn't been touched by cancer in some way. I personally have lost grandparents and a cousin to cancer, so when this charity appeared on my Facebook page looking for a Photographer in the Indianapolis area for a breast cancer survivor, it was an easy decision for me to step up and join. I'm very new to this charity, and as of now, she's the only session I have done, and while I wish I didn't have to take anymore, because that would mean there was no one out there suffering this horrible disease, I'm looking forward to being able to donate this service to other families who are going through this. I don't think many know about Magic Hour yet. I hope this creates a little bit more awareness for the foundation, because everyone battling this disease deserves to have a day  off ... a day to just enjoy their family and create special memories.

I am just going to link you to the blog post I already wrote for Amy's Magic Hour session since she's the only one I have had ... Amy's Story .

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