Hey there mama-to-be! So, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed with all the information (or lack thereof) about giving birth. But don't worry, I've got you!
Here are 5 things your doctor probably didn't tell you about giving birth that will help you feel more prepared and in control.
(And hey, if these pique your interest, bring these up to your doctor at the next appointment!)
1. You will probably poop during labor (and that's okay!).
So yeah, we had to start with that one! It was my biggest fear of birthing, go figure haha, But don't worry! It's a normal and natural part of the birthing process, and your nurses and doctors are used to it. They will whisk it right out of the way before you even know you did it! I actually asked my husband if I did, and he didn't even know, lol, they keep things all cleaned up down there! Don't let this concern hold you back, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
2. Birthing positions - there are many different positions that can help make the birthing process easier.
3. Doulas are a great support and aren't only used for birth.
A doula is a professional trained to provide emotional and physical support to a woman and her partner during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum period. A doula can help you with relaxation techniques, provide emotional support, and advocate for your wishes during birth.
Question for your doctor: Do you work with doulas often? Are there any you recommend?
4.The power of the mind - visualization and other relaxation techniques can help during labor.
Visualization and relaxation techniques such as hypnobirthing, yoga, and meditation can help you stay calm and focused during labor. It can also help to lower stress hormones and increase endorphins, which can make labor more manageable.
Question: Is there anything I can do now to learn how to cope with labor?
5. Cesarean sections are not as scary as they seem.
C-sections are a common form of delivery and can be planned or unplanned. Your doctor and nurses will take great care of you and your baby during the procedure. It's important to remember that a c-section is a surgical procedure and there are risks associated with it, but it can also save the lives of both mother and baby in certain situations.
Question: In what circumstances do you perform c-sections?
So, there you have it, mama. You're armed with some new information that will hopefully help you feel more confident and excited about your birth!
And if you happen to be looking for an Indianapolis Newborn Photographer or any of the surrounding areas, I would love to work with you! Go check out our portfolio here!
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