5 things your doctor never told you about giving birth | Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

 Hey there mama-to-be! So, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed with all the information (or lack thereof) about giving birth. But don't worry, I've got you!

Here are 5 things your doctor probably didn't tell you about giving birth that will help you feel more prepared and in control.

(And hey, if these pique your interest, bring these up to your doctor at the next appointment!)

1. You will probably poop during labor (and that's okay!).

So yeah, we had to start with that one! It was my biggest fear of birthing, go figure haha, But don't worry! It's a normal and natural part of the birthing process, and your nurses and doctors are used to it. They will whisk it right out of the way before you even know you did it! I actually asked my husband if I did, and he didn't even know, lol, they keep things all cleaned up down there!  Don't let this concern hold you back, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.

2. Birthing positions - there are many different positions that can help make the birthing process easier.

There are various birthing positions that can help make the birthing process easier, such as standing up, sitting down, on your hands and knees, or even lying down. Experiment with different positions to find what feels most comfortable for you.

Question for your doctor: In what positions are you willing to help me birth my baby?

I personally wish I had advocated for myself more here. While I was in early labor I felt the best on my hands and knees, and I feel like I would have loved to give birth that way, but my last baby was 15 years ago, and laying on your back was the standard and I didn't question it.  QUESTION IT! 

3. Doulas are a great support and aren't only used for birth.

A doula is a professional trained to provide emotional and physical support to a woman and her partner during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum period. A doula can help you with relaxation techniques, provide emotional support, and advocate for your wishes during birth.

Question for your doctor: Do you work with doulas often? Are there any you recommend?

4.The power of the mind - visualization and other relaxation techniques can help during labor.

Visualization and relaxation techniques such as hypnobirthing, yoga, and meditation can help you stay calm and focused during labor. It can also help to lower stress hormones and increase endorphins, which can make labor more manageable.

Question: Is there anything I can do now to learn how to cope with labor?

5Cesarean sections are not as scary as they seem.

C-sections are a common form of delivery and can be planned or unplanned. Your doctor and nurses will take great care of you and your baby during the procedure. It's important to remember that a c-section is a surgical procedure and there are risks associated with it, but it can also save the lives of both mother and baby in certain situations.

Question: In what circumstances do you perform c-sections?

So, there you have it, mama. You're armed with some new information that will hopefully help you feel more confident and excited about your birth!

And if you happen to be looking for an Indianapolis Newborn Photographer or any of the surrounding areas, I would love to work with you! Go check out our portfolio here!


Current high school JUNIORS, if you want the senior photo experience of a lifetime, a chance to make new friends, to connect and make new memories with old friends,  to do extra photo shoots and have a chance to do an extra senior session in a different city, you're not going to want to miss this opportunity! Spots are very limited as this is an amazing deal compared to a regular senior session, so act quickly or you'll miss out. 


Class of 2024 Greenfield Central High School Senior | Keegan Schmitt

I had so much fun with my class of 2024 guys this past year! Most of them included hobbies or sports or something important to them, and that is definitely my favorite! Keegan brought his car, which is always fun, and he's also a swimmer, so we had a great time creating some more unique swim images as well! 

First we headed into Downtown Greenfield. Depot Park is a great spot for photos with several options for backgrounds. 

We stayed at Depot Park for the car shots as well. The brick road made a great place for that! 

And we couldn't do car pics without some smoke! I love to add that in when possible. It's fun, and it makes the photos more interesting! 

Then we went to the school swimming pool where we played around with a few new ideas, and I love the way they turned out! 

Keegan was really only doing senior pics for his mom, as most senior guys are, but he did admit to having a little fun at the end! 

What can you dream up for your senior pics? I'd love to help you make it happen! I am now scheduling class of 2024 cap and gowns and class of 2025 Full senior sessions! PLUS, for 2 more weeks or until spots are full, I am accepting class of 2025 VIP team members! This is a really fun and cool senior photo experience! You only get to do senior photos ONE TIME, so why not make it several shoots and an amazing experience! If you'd like to sign up, go to https://www.shawnamariephotography.com/component/rsform/form/10-shawna-marie-photography-vip-application and fill out the app! I'll get back to you ASAP! :) 

Braxton Jones Class of 2024

Continuing on with my 2024 seniors here on the blog, next up is Braxton! Braxton is the younger brother of one of my previous VIPs and I knew back then I wanted to do his senior photos too when his mom mentioned he was a gymnast! I was so excited when she messaged me this year to book! 

We started our day in the gym and got some really great images!  

Then we headed over to Broad Ripple's downtown area to get some urban images .... 

THEN, as if the gym wasn't a cool enough location, Braxton also wanted some images in a record store! So thankful for Indy Vinyl allowing us to use their space for a bit! I'm so in love with these images! 

What kind of unique place would you like to do your senior photos? If you're looking for a Senior photographer who will take all of your ideas into consideration to make it the best experience you can imagine, I'm your girl! Shoot me an email or give me a call or text! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 317-319-6045

And class of 2025, if you're looking for an extra special senior photo experience, you should join my VIP team! Sign ups will end very soon, so don't miss out! https://www.shawnamariephotography.com/component/rsform/form/10-shawna-marie-photography-vip-application

Class of 2024 Zionsville High School Senior | Brooke

 I absolutely loved this session with Brooke! She wasn't 100% sure on her outfits, so when she came in for Hair and Makeup, we also looked over what she brought and decided what she would wear in the different spots we were photographing in. Brooke was a little quiet and seemed a little unsure of herself as we started, but she was an amazing model! She is so photogenic and we got the best shots during her shoot! She chose a Fall shoot at Ft. Harrison State Park, which is always one of the best places to go in the Fall. It's absolutely beautiful. Take a look at some of my faves from her session below!  And if you're class of 2025 and haven't decided on senior photos yet, it's time to start thinking about it! I have just started up my class of 2025 VIP team, where you get extra sessions, a chance to make new friends, have lots of fun, gain confidence, make great senior year memories and end up with amazing senior photos! If you want in on this, just go to https://www.shawnamariephotography.com/component/rsform/form/10-shawna-marie-photography-vip-application to sign up! Don't wait too long! Spots are on a first come first serve basis and half of them are full!  Sign ups will close when all spots are taken. 

For more information on your own custom senior session, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . I'd love to set up a consultation with you! No obligation to book, just to answer all of your questions! 

Eastern Hancock Class of 2024 Senior VIP | Lindsay

I've been putting this one off ... it's hard to know what to say. This amazing light was put out too soon. Lindsay is no longer with us on this side of Heaven, but she definitely left her mark, and still shines with every single pink sunrise and sunset. Lindsay opted for a simple session on her family farm. She kept telling me she wanted photos with her pig, but she opted not to because it was dirty on the day of the shoot. I actually contacted her before the shoot because there was rain in the forecast and I always want to make sure these girls' and guys' photos are what they want. Lindsay said she wanted to go ahead though, so we did! It worked out really well, it only rained for a few minutes and we were able to take photos inside the barn during that time. She wanted to get some pictures with one of her dogs. She said the other one was too dirty, but he had ideas of his own, he decided he was getting in a photo whether she liked it or not. haha. Peep inside the cab of the truck!  I loved this shot. 

And here are a couple of the photos inside the barn while it was raining

One of my favorite things about Lindsay was her no nonsense attitude. When I got to her place for the session, she was like, my self tanner is all splotchy so I hope you can photoshop that! lol. I got you, Linny!  

She also wanted to get some pictures with her dad's Semi. I loved this! It's always fun to just get unique things that mean something to the person in the photos and their family. 

And a shot of her tattoo along with this remembrance of her cousin, who also passed way too soon. 

Everyone knows I always love the walking/movement shots ... and this country road was the perfect spot for that! 

I was so glad we went ahead despite the rain chance, because the evening sky ended up being gorgeous. 

During her funeral, there was mention of all of the things/clothing etc that Lindsay always had in her car. It made me laugh, because during her session, her mom asked if she had a blanket in there that we could lay out on the ground, and sure enough, she came through! I also loved that she brought this little sign. This is what our group is all about! <3 We also talked a lot about our upcoming trip to Nashville during this shoot. Lindsay was so so excited for that trip! I'm so happy she got to go. Those photos will be blogged at a later time, as this was just meant to be her personal shoot! 

I am doing a feature on Lindsay in this year's magazine and if you would like to write a few words, a memory of her or just something special about her or the friendship you shared with her, please send to me ASAP! Today was the deadline I had put out, but I will take them through the end of the weekend! If you have a photo of the 2 of you together, please send that along with your words! 

Class of 2025, it is now your turn to be on my team! Sign ups are live NOW until all spots are full! Spots are limited! You can fill out the form at https://www.shawnamariephotography.com/component/rsform/form/10-shawna-marie-photography-vip-application  and if you'd like to know more about what being on my team is like, you can see that  at https://www.shawnamariephotography.com/seniors/senior-experience

Class of 2024 Greenfield Central Senior VIP | Taryn

I've known Taryn's family for awhile through my SIL and church and Facebook and I've done a couple of shoots for them in the past. Then last year when I needed an assistant, Taryn helped me out on a shoot, so when she joined my team, I was super excited to get to work with her! My makeup artist was sick the day of her session, so I asked if she wanted to change it or be compensated for that and do her own makeup and she was super chill and fine with doing her own, so we went ahead as planned! Her first location was supposed to be a local gym, but there was a time conflict with our outdoor stuff, so I quickly told them we could get that part in a different day. So we headed to our little downtown area here in Greenfield to start.  

Then we headed to Tuttles for sunflower pictures! 

They always have some cute little props out in their field. Loved the bicycle! 

Taryn's sister came along and helped me with some lighting on this shoot, so we had to grab a sister shot! How cute are they? 

And then her boyfriend met us there to join her in a few shots as well! I love adding the people you love to your shoot! Not the whole thing, because this is about YOU, but it's nice to have a few photos with those who are important to you during this time as well, so YES, you can bring your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend etc for a couple of shots Always! *I'm however, not responsible if you break up before you get your photos back! lol! *

After the sunflowers we headed over to the orchard and grabbed a few more shots of just Taryn and a few more of her and her boyfriend! These were so fun. 

A few days later, we were able to get in the gym to get those few shots she wanted there! I love doing photos in places like this! And I loved that she wanted to do it in a dress and heels! Stuff like that just makes it even more fun! 

Class of 2024, I still have a couple of Spring openings! 

Class of 2025, it is time for you to start thinking about your senior photos as well! I have a VIP team that is super fun, a great way to make new friends, and you get TONS of photos from a few different shoots! We plan a big theme, you get to plan a small theme with a smaller group within our big group, and of course you get your own personal senior session! We also kick off the year with a natural shoot. No makeup, casual dress, just YOURSELF! And all of my team members get a chance to earn a photo shoot in a destination city! We just went to Nashville, TN in November! It's so much fun! You don't want to miss out on this! I can only take a limited amount of kids for this experience though, so you need to sign up quickly! It's first come first serve! I will be emailing out a link tomorrow (FEB 1st, 2024) to anyone on my email list! If you're not on it, send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, school, and email or phone number and you will get the link as well! While my teams have been all girls in the past, it's not because I don't allow guys to join, so guys, you can get in on this too! 

Eastern Hancock High School Senior VIP | Rylee

Rylee started her session with hair and makeup with our in house makeup artist, Amy. After that we headed to Carmel for her session. This was an area I hadn't really shot before, so it was fun to explore some new places! Unfortunately it was insanely windy, but Rylee was a trouper and we just went with it, and it made some great model hair shots! lol. Here are a few from the downtown area.  

Despite the wind, we did get the smoke to cooperate inside the garage. It's always fun to just add a pop of color with it. 

Next, we sought some wind free pics inside the parking garage stairwell... I love spots like this.

The we walked around and found some more cute spots

This shot was just in a little strip in the road. I love making spots like this look like a field just using the right angles.

Then we actually did go to a field ... and Rylee wanted some images with her boyfriend, so we grabbed a couple of those while we were there!

Rylee also added a cheer session on a different day. This is included if you do it the same day, but my VIPs can add stuff on like this at a discounted price and if they already purchased all the digitals it comes with them as well. 

What I forgot to mention is, it was also crazy windy on this day! lol. We are planning to do a cap and gown for Rylee as well, so here's to hoping for one non windy session for this girl! lol

Class of 2024, I still have a few spring openings if you haven't done your photos yet.

Class of 2025, I am just about ready to open sign ups to join my VIP team and I am also already booking regular summer sessions! Even if you are planning to joining my VIP team, you can go ahead and book your session and we will apply the fee to the VIP program fee! If you'd like to get on my email list to be the first to get the sign up link, just DM me on any social media or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and email address and school . You can include phone number as well if you prefer a text! 

Eastern Hancock Class of 2024 Senior VIP | Cami

 Over the last several years I've had a friend who lives about an hour away tell me I was welcome to use her property to photograph on. I knew it was beautiful and that I wanted to, but I knew I had to get just the right client to travel there. When Cami told me what she was looking for for her session, I knew this was the one! She wanted wildflowers and walking on water photos. On the day of her session, she came here for hair and makeup with our in house makeup artist Amy. Then we all headed to my friend's place to shoot! First flowers! My friend had a beautiful wildflower garden that was absolutely perfect for this! 

Then we moved down to her lake and boathouse. The boathouse was SO CUTE. The color was perfect for Cami's outfit! Then we moved on out to the dock and then we put her in the canoe! 

For the walking on water pics, we needed a bit different area, so we went to my friend's neighbor's house. They were so nice to allow us to use their pond for this! We also had a little fun with smoke and got Cami all they way in after those shots! 

Cami is also a cheerleader and a softball player, so we had to go to her school for some of those shots as well! She brought a friend and fellow cheerleader along for a couple of cheer shots together. 

And then softball! It's no secret that softball is one of my favorites, but any sport photos are always some of the most fun! I love to do something extra and fun with you for those shoots! We pulled out smoke and fire for these! 

, The bat toss and walk off is always a fun shot too :)

Class of 2024, I have a few spring spots if you need a full session, or if you'd just like to get in an extreme sport session, we can do that as well!   Class of 2025, it's almost time to sign up for my VIP program! If you're a Junior and you've been dreaming of doing lots of fun things for your senior photos, this is definitely for you! We do a few different shoots, 2 just for you, a small group, a large group AND you can earn a shoot in a destination city! Those who earn it vote on the location! Our last location was Nashville, TN. We had a blast shooting there! If you think you might be interested just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tell me your name, school, email and/or phone number (I won't call, I'll text!) and when sign ups start I'll send you a link! It will have all information so you can decide if it's right for you before you sign up! Spots are limited, so I definitely recommend getting on the list to be the first to know when it's time! 

Class of 2024 Mt. Vernon High School Senior VIP | Addison

 We did Addy's session at one of my favorite locations. She wanted nature and flowers and we got a great mix of backgrounds. Plus, she plays soccer and tennis, and while she didn't want to use her school facilities for those photos, she did want to incorporate them, so we did that as well! I love the way these turned out! 

Next we moved around the place to find some new spots. Addy and her mom had checked this out ahead of time, so there were a couple of places they knew they wanted, like these pretty flowers! I am missing that summer vibe like crazy right now! Winter just is NOT IT for me! 

Everyone always thinks this piece of art is cool, but it's not always easy to make into a nice pic. Addy's outfit complimented it nicely and we found a way to use it that looked great! 

Then we moved on into some areas that I knew of to get some move variety in her shoot! 

As many times as I've shot at this place, I never ventured down far enough to realize there was a place she could get in the water. Addy's Aunt, who accompanied us on this shoot, guided us down to this area! I always love getting ya'll in the water! lol

During the shoot, Addy's mom mentioned how she always sees Addy in more athletic clothes and with her hair in a ponytail. She wanted something to remember that. While she mentioned that it wasn't something I needed to share, this girl looked stunning no matter what we did and I absolutely love this photo, so I definitely wanted to share! We can always change up your look during your shoot! In fact, for small extra fee we can bring our makeup artist with us to change makeup too! 

So, Juniors, its time to start thinking about what you want to do for your senior photos! I'd love to sit down with you and help you plan your special day! Consultations are always an option here! I am currently booking spring/summer and Fall for the class of 2024 and 2025! It's also almost time for VIP Sign ups! My VIPS get several extra shoots, including the opportunity to travel to a destination city for one of them! If you would like more into on this, click on the senior experience tab on my weblsite and be sure to send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, email, school and phone number and I will be sure you are one of the first to get the sign up link when it's time! This matters because it's first come first serve and spots are limited!  

Class of 2024 Greenfield Central Senior VIP | Audrey

Audrey's session was a lot of fun! She chose to use her own back yard and her Grandma's back yard and a neighbor's property as well. I love these kind of sessions because everything I do at them is so unique to that person! 

Audrey loves to read, so we had to incorporate that as well! 

I loved this series of walking and spinning as well. Its always fun to incorporate some movement into your photos for a fun, carefree natural look! 

Audrey also works with the therapy dogs, so she invited them to come along to her session as well! So much fun! 

We were hoping to get some sunset photos at this location, but the smoke from fires in Canada had different ideas. There was so much haze, but at least I was able to pull a little color out! 

Class of 2025, are you thinking about your senior photos yet? It's time to start! I'm booking class of 2025 now, and if you're interested in joining my VIP team, I will be opening sign ups at the beginning of February! You want to make sure you don't miss it, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, school and grad year and email or phone number so I can send you the link when it's time! If you just want to book your senior session, you can also email or call/text 317-319-6045

Class of 2024 Greenfield Central Senior VIP | Bella

Bella's session was so much fun! We had to do it in 2 parts because the theater wasn't quite ready when we did her main session, but I'll always make exceptions like that for my VIPs! Bella really wanted a wildflower field for her senior photos, so after much searching between both of us, she came up with one! It ended up being a great location! I think I forgot to mention this in my last couple of blogs, so I'll have to go fix that, but first Bella came here and had her makeup done by our amazing makeup artist, Amy! Then from there we headed to her location! 

Bella also brought her dog along to get some shots with her! You are always welcome to bring a pet along to get photos with! Just make sure you have someone with you to handle them while we're shooting without them! 

Her pup even smiled for the camera :) 

While at the flower fields, we did find some other areas to shoot as well! This bridge was great! And I LOVE her outfit here! 

Bella was a cheerleader up until this year when she decided to pursue other things, but she wanted to commemorate that time in her life as well since it was such a big part of it! 

And then she wanted to grab a photo with mom! I love when they do this! Your momma is so important! Definitely grab a shot with her, you'll treasure it forever! 

As I mentioned earlier, we also did theater photos with Bella. We had to do this a few months later as the theater was getting redone at the time of her session, but it was WELL WORTH THE WAIT! This was by far my favorite part ... I just love stuff like this, and Bella was made for this shoot! She has such a fun personality! I threw a red gel on my backlight to really bring out the theater atmosphere! It was so perfect! 

I probably should have blogged the theater pics separately lol. It's so hard to choose! I definitely have a few more to add... we even played with fire a little at this shoot! Loved her idea of using it with this! 

What is your passion? I'd love to help you showcase it!  Class of 2025, signups for my next team will be in February! If you want an amazing senior photo experience, you should definitely sign up! You can learn more at https://www.shawnamariephotography.com/seniors/senior-experience 

Class of 2024 Mt. Vernon High School Senior VIP Savannah

Savannah is also on my class of 2024 VIP team. She chose to have her photos all in one area, but she had an amazing variety in outfits to keep all of the photos fresh and gorgeous! I'm going to try to include at least one photo of each outfit, because this girl has incredible fashion sense! She is also super sweet and quiet, but don't let that fool you, because she can work the camera!

I loved this outfit, and we got some incredible movement shots here. I wish I could add them all! I do have a series of them on my instagram though! If you aren't following, you should! @sdurick 

This outfit was so great! I have to share more than one. LOVE that pink! And she looks amazing in it! 

Loved this outfit as well! (Who am I kidding, I loved them all! lol) She looks so sophisticated and I always love getting a shot from this angle! 

Water and smoke are always so much fun and add a uniqueness to your photos. I love the white dress with the pop of pink smoke.

So yes, you counted right, Savannah came ready for variety with 9 outfits! Did I mention that outfit changes aren't limited to just a couple on my shoots? Heck no! I am all about showing your style, and giving you a variety of photos to choose from! No outfit limits here! Ready to book your session? It's a great time! Class of 2024 I am still booking spring photos and Class of 2025, I am both booking summer/Fall sessions and getting ready to launch my next VIP team! If you want to be a part of that just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, school and email or phone number so I can send you the link to sign up when it's time! 

Class of 2024 Triton Central Senior Jadyn

I haven't blogged any of my seniors in quite awhile! Blogging is overwhelming to me, especially when I have a huge back log of sessions that I haven't written about. I'm going to do my best, but honestly I'd much rather prioritize shooting and editing! I'm going to start with one of my girls who did one of my large variety sessions! Jadyn is a softball player and a cheerleader, so we started at her high school first with softball. Softball will always have a special place in my heart! My daughter played from 5-24 years old, but I love photographing all sports! Its so much fun to do all of the creative things we can! For this set, we pulled out both smoke and fire! 

We got so many more, but I can't share them all here! After these we went on to the football field for some cheer photos! Jadyn's boyfriend is a football player, so she brought him along for some of those too. You should check out our video on Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@shawna_marie_photography/video/7281487793291906347 she's at a million views! Here are a few of those photos! 

Aren't they adorable? Jadyn wasn't done here! There was a field of beautiful sunflowers blooming right at the time of her session so we stopped there really quick and got some more amazing pics ... 

After those gorgeous flowers, we went to a park where we got even more variety, some with her boyfriend, most by herself, some in water, fields, flowers ... I'll try to leave a sample of each spot below! 

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention she also brought her dog? Yes, you can do that, too! This session was amazing and I loved all of the different things we did! What do you have in mind for your senior photos? I'd love to talk about it! Shoot me an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and if you're class of 2025 and thinking you might want to join my team, send me your email so I can let you know when it's time to sign up! 

The best ways to prepare for your newborn session with Shawna Marie Photography

1. When you fill out your Newborn information and contract form, tell me all the things about what you like? Tell me what professions the parents are in, colors you love for newborn photos, fun hobbies baby's parents are involved in, what kind of things are important to you? Does mom love to shop? Love wine? Love Starbucks? Do you have a favorite flower? Is your baby a rainbow baby? Let me know it ALL and we will make your session custom and very special!  

2. We want baby to sleep as much as possible during the session. If you are able to play with and keep baby awake for an hour or 2 before your session, that is super helpful. It's not always possible, so don't make it stressful, but give it a try!

3. Bring a pacifier even if baby doesn't take one! You wouldn't believe how many parents have told me their baby won't take a pacifier, only to have them sucking away at it during their newborn shoot. You won't create a habit just using it this one time, nor hurt their latch. It really just helps them settle and self soothe during a session. We can usually get much more variety and cooperation with just a few sucks on the paci! 

4. If you're nursing, try not to eat gassy foods the day before the session, beans, cabbage or things that make you personally gassy. These pass through babies milk and they can be uncomfortable and cranky for their session. 

5. RELAX! It doesn't help anyone to get stressed for the photo session. Take your time getting ready, if you're a few min late it's totally fine! Don't worry if baby comes in fussing. I got this! Just sit back on the sofa, help yourself to a snack and a drink and enjoy the time when someone else is tending to the little one. 

Now, if you're ready for a fun, creative, relaxing newborn session, get in touch! You can call or text Shawna directly at 317-319-6045 or you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ! I'm so excited to plan your newborn session with you!

Extreme sport photos

Play a sport and really want to showcase it? That is something I LOVE to do! Here are a few fun recents that I have done. I'm always up for trying new things, so if you want something different, get in touch! 317-319-6045 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Sport mini sessions | Greenfield Indiana area

If you're looking for something a little more exciting than the usual team / individual photos, come check out our sports minis! Prices vary depending on location and how much creativity you're looking for, but here's a quick mini in my studio that would be $150 for the session with 5 digital images. 

Just call or text 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book yours! 

Hosea- Central Indiana Newborn Photography

Little Hosea came in just before Christmas (yes I'm always way behind on blogging. lol) He did absolutely amazing and the little man has gone viral on TikTok! lol. Go see his video at  https://www.tiktok.com/@shawna_marie_photography/video/7176813971230526763  he actually has a few on there, but this has a few million views. He was the sweetest little guy and a dream to work with!

Sweet little Homer - Newborn Photos in Central Indiana

This little guy! Oh my goodness! I had so much fun with him! He was awake a LOT! As you can see in the photos, but he was so so chill! Even with eyes wide open, he let me pose him and he just stayed there! I honestly haven't experienced a little one quite that easy before lol. Check out some of my favorites from his adorable gallery and then be sure to book yours asap!  

Did you know we offer payment plans on newborn sessions? All you have to do is pay the $200 deposit to hold your date and we can work out the remainder of the fee in a payment plan that works for you! Don't let price be the reason you don't get amazing newborn photos! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 317-319-6045 to book your newborn session! 

It's time to sign up for our VIP Senior Photo experience! Indiana Senior pictures

 It is time class of 2024! Who wants an amazing senior photo experience? You won't find one just like this one anywhere around here! We focus on loving yourself first, flaws and all, then photograph so that inner beauty shines! You have the opportunity to make new friends, create bonds with others who think and feel the way you do. And so many fun photo shoots! Sign ups have begun and spots are limited so don't wait! Go to

www.shawnamariephotography.com/vipapplication to sign up! 

Here is a quick video of what it's like ... https://youtu.be/rIAQ14d8TCk

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