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Delanie and Jase

Delanie and Jase are my niece and nephew. We went out for their 3 and 1 years pictures yesterday morning. I got to take them around downtown Greenfield, which was fun. Jase wasn't really in the mood. He was so funny stomping his feet and grunting. On top of that, he moves FAST and looks at the ground a lot! I was worried I wouldn't end up with anything good, but I am pretty happy with how his pics turned out. I actually think I got more eye contact from him than Delanie and she cooperated with me wonderfully! Go figure! We had quite the group with us though. I know she wanted to keep looking at them. They were way cooler than me and my camera;)
Anyway, I had fun! Here are a few sneak peeks! Gotta LOVE the faces Delanie makes! Such a character.

A couple more from Delanie and Jase's session...
Baseball memory mate

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