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NEW PHOTO SESSION TYPE | Indianapolis area photographer

I have had a lot of demand for a smaller, less customized session than I usually offer. I offer a boutique style brand, with a custom photo spot, custom editing and your own ordering session either online or in person by your choice. My typical photo session lasts at least an hour, if not longer and I deliver 20-30 fully edited proofs for you to choose from in your gallery. I am finding that some of you just want to capture a moment in your child's life, but don't necessarily need the full session. So Capture the Moment sessions are born. Playing a sport? Want a more custom photo in your uniform than the dime a dozen team sport photos? Graduating preschool, Kindergarten, 6th grade, 8th grade? Just want a quick shot or two for remembrance? That's where these sessions come in! These are for ages 4-18 and One child per session only. Sessions will last no more than 20 minutes in one location in the Greenfield area. I will deliver up to 7 proofs for you to choose from. You pay $50 for the session and 2 digital images with print release. You may upgrade the session to $75 for the session and 3 images or $100 for the session and 5 images. These sessions will be available on a first come first serve basis as I will only be fullfilling a certain amount per month and they are not available on weekends.  Schedule yours today!

I am also adding GAME DAY Sessions! For $200 I will come to your child's ballgame and photograph them playing and you will receive a disk of all of the 4x6 images with print release. Again, these sessions will be on a very limited basis, so schedule yours ASAP to make sure you get one! You may share this session with one other person on your team if you like.

Earn a NEW 32 Gig wifi enabled IPAD! |Indianapolis...
H Family | Indianapolis, IN family photographer

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