Class of 2022 it's your turn! | The ultimate Indiana Senior Photo Experience

If you are looking for a senior photo experience that is EXTRA, look no further! At Shawna Marie Photography, we know that feeling your most beautiful begins on the inside. As a member of my team you will start the year with a raw beauty shoot and interview ... many of my previous team members have talked about how much this session changed and helped them see themselves in a different way.

After everyone has their raw beauty shoot we get together for a Meet and Greet where the whole team gets to meet. We have a little party or cookout and always a super fun cake from Gwendolyn Lee Cakery! If you have never had one of her cakes you MUST check them out!

At this party you will also be paired with a smaller group of girls. With these girls, you will get to plan your own mini themed shoot! Think out of the box, unique and fun for this one! We have done these at diners, record stores, shopping malls ... we have done movie themes, decade themes, farm themes etc. The sky is the limit! If you can think it, I'm game to try it!

Then you also get your own personal senior session. You choose locations and get your makeup done by our in house makeup artist, Amy! This session is also yours to plan, though I am happy to help with suggestions!

We will also do a group shoot with our entire group! We have done a Boho theme twice in 2 different locations, a 50s shoot in a home straight out of the 50s, an 80s shoot in a roller rink, a shoot at Victory Field, Waterfalls, Downtown and dressed fancy, a campfire shoot ... they have all been so much fun and I can't wait to plan the next one!

And on top of all of that, you have the option to try to earn a destination shoot! So far we have done this in Chicago once and Nashville, TN twice. The team votes on this one, so it's all you!

So, what are you waiting for? Applications are open and we are waiting for YOU! Just fill it out and I will get back with you ASAP so we can get this party started! Spots are limited, so don't wait! APPLY HERE

Class of 2020 it's your turn!

I've been talking about my model program the last few posts as it's time to choose my next group! This class of 2020 will be my 5th team and I am so excited to say that the experience has improved every year because I am ALWAYS striving to be better! Year number 5 is going to be amazing! But every year has been pretty great, and I have had the opportunity to connect with some really amazing young ladies. Nearly 50 girls that I still have contact with on social media ... that I am getting to watch go on to college and get their life started and hope that I played a small roll somewhere along the way. My team isn't about who's the most popular or the prettiest on the outside. I strive to show my girls inner beauty, and help them connect with girls they never would have known, but also to help them feel confident and gorgeous in their photos. I hope that every girl I've ever had on my team, and for that matter, the girls I have photographed who have not been on my team, know that they can come to me anytime for anything! In times where so many kids are taking their own lives and struggling to figure out where or how they fit in, it's important to know that there is someone out there who cares. I care! I'm always a text away, day or night. Don't ever hesitate to reach out.

I didn't set out to write about this, I was just going to show you one of my model's full gallery after her year of participating in every shoot she was able to ... but I started typing and that's what came out, so if you needed that, I hope you found this blog and that you either reach out and join this year's team, or just reach out in general. If you'd like to apply for my class of 2020 team just go to  and fill out the form!

And now, I still want to show you one of my model's full galleries! I chose Katlyn's because not only did she participate in every single shoot that she could, her own personal shoot was very diverse as she is one busy girl and involved in a LOT!  I think her photos really speak for her personality <3  To see them all go to  all you have to do to enter is type in your email address :)

Here are a couple of my faves from her shoots as well 

Shawna Marie Photography | Senior Model VIP program

Hey all! I am in the middle of crazy season "aka Fall" so my blog is, as usual, way behind. I wanted to share a bit about my senior model or VIP program though. I am getting close to looking for my 2020 group and I know there are a lot of questions! My model group is really more of a VIP experience than your typical senior rep deal. My girls do pay to be in my program. The only REQUIREMENT you have to fulfill for me is to sign a model release so that I can share your photos.  The main point of this is to be a part of a really cool, fun group, get extra themed shoots, try to give back to the community a little and just have a FUN experience being pampered and treated like a model. Can you do more? YES! I do have some incentives (like a super fun destination shoot) that you can earn, and my girls get cash for referrals as well, but you do not HAVE to do anything or  get a certain amount. It's all up to you on what you want to earn! We also make a super fun magazine that gets placed in local businesses, shared with every client who inquires about a session and every girl on my team is featured in it and gets one of their own to keep. My girls are also encouraged to write an article/story/howto  or something of interest to them that will be published in the magazine as well if they like.  We have a really good time and it's a great chance to find some new friends as I take girls from many different schools. I'm going to share a few photos from this year's team shoots. Our destination for those who earned it this year was Chicago (I or the girls pick a few places and everyone votes, so who knows what we will do next!) Check these photos out, and if you are even the slightest bit interested in joining my class of 2020 team, just go here and fill this out! All that will happen is I will email you a link to the application when it comes out! If you want to join you can fill it out and submit! I only take 15 girls, so there is a selection process, but the sooner you apply, the better your chances!

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Class of 2019 Senior Olivia | Indianapolis Senior pictures

I haven't had a chance to blog all of my 2019 seniors so far. It's been a very busy summer! Probably the busiest June I have ever had! I love it! We have been able to do some really fun stuff, and summer weather makes for lots of different opportunities than everyone's usual favorite, Fall (which is great too! I just love seeing more people jump in for summer!) Speaking of Fall, I have like 7 sessions left for the entire Fall season, so if you want one, get in touch asap! You can call or text 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get that taken care of! Here is one of my recent seniors, Olivia from Rushville Consolidated High School. Olivia is (obviously) quite the artist and she also plays softball for her school. Here is her sneak video and a couple of my favorite images from her session!