Class of 2020 it's your turn!

I've been talking about my model program the last few posts as it's time to choose my next group! This class of 2020 will be my 5th team and I am so excited to say that the experience has improved every year because I am ALWAYS striving to be better! Year number 5 is going to be amazing! But every year has been pretty great, and I have had the opportunity to connect with some really amazing young ladies. Nearly 50 girls that I still have contact with on social media ... that I am getting to watch go on to college and get their life started and hope that I played a small roll somewhere along the way. My team isn't about who's the most popular or the prettiest on the outside. I strive to show my girls inner beauty, and help them connect with girls they never would have known, but also to help them feel confident and gorgeous in their photos. I hope that every girl I've ever had on my team, and for that matter, the girls I have photographed who have not been on my team, know that they can come to me anytime for anything! In times where so many kids are taking their own lives and struggling to figure out where or how they fit in, it's important to know that there is someone out there who cares. I care! I'm always a text away, day or night. Don't ever hesitate to reach out.

I didn't set out to write about this, I was just going to show you one of my model's full gallery after her year of participating in every shoot she was able to ... but I started typing and that's what came out, so if you needed that, I hope you found this blog and that you either reach out and join this year's team, or just reach out in general. If you'd like to apply for my class of 2020 team just go to  and fill out the form!

And now, I still want to show you one of my model's full galleries! I chose Katlyn's because not only did she participate in every single shoot that she could, her own personal shoot was very diverse as she is one busy girl and involved in a LOT!  I think her photos really speak for her personality <3  To see them all go to  all you have to do to enter is type in your email address :)

Here are a couple of my faves from her shoots as well 

Hayleigh | Rushville Consolidated High School Class of 2019

One of my favorite senior products, and definitely a favorite among my senior clients is my custom senior book. About 90% of my seniors walk away with one of these! They are all custom designed specifically for each kid, so none of them are exactly the same. Hayleigh is one of my class of 2019 seniors that just recently finished up her ordering session. I love her book and wanted to share it with you! Also, a few of my favorite images from her session!


Indianapolis Senior Pictures |Featured Senior Brianna

Brianna was one of my class of 2017 Senior Models this year. She is one of the sweetest kids you'll ever meet! We had a great time in Noblesville finding fun places to shoot:) You've got to love that red hair! Beautiful isn't she?   If you want to see more of my senior work, check out our magazine at  and then give me a call 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule your own senior session!

Indiana Senior Photographer | Hamilton Southeastern Senior Katie

Katie is a class of 2016 Grad from Hamilton SouthEastern High School. I also had the privilege of having Katie as one of my senior models this past year. This girl had the most FUN expressions! We had a great time at her session and all of the model sessions as well! Katie opted for a mid shoot hair change for her main senior session, so my awesome hair and makeup artist, Amy, hung out with us for half the shoot. This is an option for anyone who adds hairstyling OR who does the "Spend the day with me" session!  If you are a 2016 senior and haven't done your photos yet ... what are you waiting for? I still have a FEW dates left in April! Give me a call or shoot me an email ASAP to get in! 317-319-6045 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  If you are a 2017 graduate, I am also booking summer and fall sessions now!

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