Indiana Newborn Pictures | Nora

I absolutely LOVE babies and everything about photographing them! I recently had this little doll in my home studio! She slept like a dream, and I believe it was the shortest newborn session I have ever had. We got some gorgeous images in that time!

If you're pregnant and thinking of hiring someone for a newborn session, I'd love to be considered! I take pride in being very safe and knowledgeable on handling babies. I've been called a baby whisperer more than once! I am always taking online classes and working to elevate my experience to the next level! Go ahead and give us a call or text at 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to inquire or set your session up! Here are a few of my absolute favorites from little miss Nora's session!

newborn photos

Indianapolis Newborn Photographer | Baby Lucas

Had a great shoot a few weeks ago with baby Lucas and his family! He was such a great sleeper and his big brother, Benjamin was so good too! I love the family photos so much! And check out the little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and his pizza! If you want fun, unique newborn pictures like these, be sure and call while you are still pregnant! I like to get my little guys/girls in before they are 2 weeks old if possible! Just shoot me an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 317-319-6045 for an appointment!

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