Newborn Twin Photo Session | Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

I know I have been blogging lots of seniors lately, as it's that season, but I had to take a minute to get these super sweet twins up here! First of all, as some of you know,  on Black Friday this past year, my  then 17 year old son was in a terrible car accident. His first responder team came to visit him in the hospital, and while there, they said they have never come up on an wreck like that and been able to visit the person in the crash after (as in most don't survive that sort of crash) I am SO SO incredibly thankful for that team, and all of the nurses and doctors who cared for my son and got him back to where he is today (which is WONDERFUL and Normal!)  So, imagine my surprise when the daddy of these precious littles walks in and happens to be one of the men on the first responder team that saved my son's life <3  Yes, they got a discount! haha And yes, I do always offer a first responder and military discount. You just have to ask!  Now who's ready to check out all of this adorableness?

Indianapolis Newborn Photographer | Baby Lucas

Had a great shoot a few weeks ago with baby Lucas and his family! He was such a great sleeper and his big brother, Benjamin was so good too! I love the family photos so much! And check out the little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and his pizza! If you want fun, unique newborn pictures like these, be sure and call while you are still pregnant! I like to get my little guys/girls in before they are 2 weeks old if possible! Just shoot me an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 317-319-6045 for an appointment!

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Hancock Health Newborn Photos- Fresh 48 and present parents

This week I'm taking a quick break from posting my seniors to talk a little more about my newborns! I have been up at Hancock Health for 2 months now, and I am having a blast! I just love getting to snuggle on all the new babies. Seriously, BEST.JOB.EVER.  Here's the thing. I am getting a lot of new mommas and dads too, who are opting not to be in the photos because they "Don't look good enough" Don't be that person! Seriously, you just had a baby! No one expects you to look like a super model. You can't get these memories back. Not everyone has to see them, but you and your little one will be SO glad you're in the photos someday! If you're breast feeding (or not!) we can take feeding photos, we can just take photos of you holding your little one, we can use your hands, have you in the background kind of blurred out etc ... but be present! You won't regret it! I have found in the past weeks as I've pushed it just a tiny bit more, when I look at the galleries, guess which photos moms and dads are favoriting? You got it! The ones they are in! These aren't meant to be glamour shots! These are REAL LIFE. These are minutes and memories that will fade very quickly. These photos will be all you have left as your baby grows and changes in the weeks and months to come. So, moms and dads, even if you haven't showered or put on makeup or brushed your hair ... it's ok. Let's just show that sweet baby how in love you were from the very first moment. :)

Op Love: The L family | Indianapolis area family photographer

Had a Great session the weekend of Sept 11th with this family who is eagerly awaiting the return of their daddy/husband from overseas. The kids were very sweet and entertaining and I had a wonderful time photographing them! Can't wait to do the homecoming if at all possible!


G Family | Indianapolis Family Photographer

This was a great chilly afternoon in late fall. We went downtown on the canal and had a lot of fun! And the photo where they are fighting in the background? NOT Staged! lol! I love it so much because who can't relate? Really fun session :)

The C Family | Pendleton Family Photographer

This was another beautiful fall day at Falls Park in Pendleton. Such a great location for photos!


T Family| Indianapolis Family Photographer

Did this session Thanksgiving weekend. What GREAT weather we had! I couldn't believe how warm it was... perfect :) And these guys were lots of fun too:)

Christmas Photos | Indianapolis Family Photographer

Had the pleasure of photographing these little cuties for their Grandparents' Christmas gifts. Everyone knows how I LOVE the little babies! This was double the fun :) Great family!

Beach Session| Panama City, FL | Indianapolis family photographer

So I don't think I ever blogged my beach session. Being from Indiana, this is something I only dream of for my clients, but my daughter is a softball player and last summer her team went to Nationals in Panama City, FL . As much as I LOVE watching her play softball, I was most excited about getting my kids out on the beach for a photo session. Now all of my fellow photographers know how difficult it can be to photograph your own children, and in the back of my head, I knew it would probably be tough, but the excitement of trying something new kept me optimistic. I took them shopping to find the perfect outfits and perfect color combinations for the photos. I am actually really proud of the way I coordinated their outfits. They looked so great together!

So the day comes that we are going to do photos. I researched the area to find the best beach and everything. Meltdown #1 happened because my daughter wanted to hang with some friends instead of going on our photo shoot. Meltdown #2 the daughter again, didn't like her dress... melt down #3 ME. In tears because nothing was going as I'd hoped and we hadn't even hit the beach! ha! So we finally make it there, and of course I get the typical photographer's children response. No one wants to touch each other or stand close, kids making funny faces, the little one was obsessed with the ocean waves and kept running out in them *sigh*  after about 30 minutes they were all DONE and I felt like I got absolutely nothing ... buuut they don't call me a photographer for nothing! I got home and was pleasantly surprised with what I had to work with. Yes, some of them are silly, but they are all "MY KIDS" and I can't wait to get these on my walls because THIS is how I will remember my children when they are grown ... fun, silly, fighting, laughter, chaos and I wouldn't miss a second of it ... So here are a few of my faves from that crazy day! *Oh, and all that being said, I would LOVE to do a beach session with a family that is not mine, so if you are looking for  destination photographer, definitely get in touch with me!


H Family | Indianapolis, IN family photographer

What a wonderful, fun evening we had! I just love this family... I am so happy I had the opportunity to do their photos! Now of course, narrowing them down to share is going to be REALLY hard because I am in love with pretty much all of them. Sorry in advance for the large share :)


D Family and Rylan's 1st birthday Cake smash | Indianapolis child and family photographer

I recently had the pleasure of photographing this gorgeous family over in Geist Park. Afterwards, we headed to their home to get Rylan's cake smash photos. SO MUCH FUN. I love watching babies dig into that cake for the first time! You just never know what their reaction will be. Rylan didn't know what to think at first, but once he got a taste of that yummy goodness, he was all about it! Here are a few of my favorites from our session :)

Cousins | Indianapolis child photographer

So much fun with these two! My daughter and my cousin's daughter. They have grown up 5 hours away, but have become good friends despite the distance :) Love our family!  Here are a few of my faves ....