Dezmond| Indiana Newborn photos

Sometimes for whatever reason, a baby can't get in at 2-3 weeks for their newborn session. We are still able to get some wonderful photos at older ages. They won't always be exactly like the curled up newborn photos you are used to seeing, but you would be surprised at what we can accomplish. Little Dez here was a few days shy of 3 months when he came in for his photos. His mom just loved that I had a Starbucks apron, so we had to get a shot in that. He looks like a little Starbucks CEO here. lol

Then here are some more of my favorites from this session below!

Newborn | Brandon

I have had a huge influx of newborns lately ... quarantine babies? lol. Who knows, but I am LOVING IT! This little guy did great, and you can see how proud his big brother is too! I am booking newborns a good 1-2 months out right now, so be sure to get ahold of me by around 30 weeks if you'd like to ensure a spot for your newborn! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 317-319-6045

A Few of my recent Newborns |Indianapolis Newborn Photographer



It's been awhile since I have posted any of my new babies! Here are a few of my favorites from recent sessions <3 If you are looking for a Newborn photographer who has tons of patience and experience and does everything as safely as possible, shoot me an email or give me a call and let's chat about your own unique custom session! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 317-319-6045





















newborn photos

Newborns Proctor and Ella and Eleanor

I have been busy busy this summer, and as always I am behind on putting sessions on my blog. While I'm over here trying to get it together, here are some super adorable pictures! Not responsible for any baby fever they induce! <3 If you want your own amazing newborn pictures, be sure to get your appointment booked as soon as you can! The beginning of your 2nd trimester is a great time to get this process started! Just give me a call or text at 317-319-6045 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can discuss your session!

Newborn Twin Photo Session | Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

I know I have been blogging lots of seniors lately, as it's that season, but I had to take a minute to get these super sweet twins up here! First of all, as some of you know,  on Black Friday this past year, my  then 17 year old son was in a terrible car accident. His first responder team came to visit him in the hospital, and while there, they said they have never come up on an wreck like that and been able to visit the person in the crash after (as in most don't survive that sort of crash) I am SO SO incredibly thankful for that team, and all of the nurses and doctors who cared for my son and got him back to where he is today (which is WONDERFUL and Normal!)  So, imagine my surprise when the daddy of these precious littles walks in and happens to be one of the men on the first responder team that saved my son's life <3  Yes, they got a discount! haha And yes, I do always offer a first responder and military discount. You just have to ask!  Now who's ready to check out all of this adorableness?

Hancock Health Newborn Photographer | Hospital Newborn Photos

I have some super exciting news about my newborn photography! (Don't worry, I'm still doing senior photos full time!)  I am still doing in studio newborn sessions as well, however, I was recently asked to be the newborn photographer with Hancock Health, and I decided that it would be an awesome opportunity! Who doesn't want to hang around babies every day? lol! Ok, well maybe not everyone does, but it's my dream job! So here's the deal! If you are delivering at Hancock, you get a free new arrival session with me! The best part? It's IN your hospital room. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything! I come right to you! I call in or come up to the hospital Mon-Fri to check in and see if patients would like to have their new arrival session. On the weekends and holidays, the nurses will give you my brochure and you can send me a text so I can work out a time with you! It's that simple! Also, if you want to schedule your time with me so that you can involve siblings or grandparents, you can text or call me as well. 317-319-6045.

So what is this exactly? I come in and do a mini fresh 48 style shoot (about 15 minutes), then I will ask if you'd like a blanket or basket posed shot at the end. The hospital will put an announcement in the newspaper for you (for free) if you'd like, and I will send you a digital birth announcement for free as well! Be sure to check out the sample announcements in this post! I will also create a gallery with all of the photos that I take and you will be able to view and order from it for 2 weeks. This session does not replace a full newborn session, but it is so great to have those first moments! As a momma of 4, I know how quickly that hospital look disappears and just how hard it is to remember it. I so wish I had these photos of my babies! (Especially right now as I'm sitting here trying to post a new blog and listening to them scream at each other! ha!) Soak it all in! It goes entirely too fast!

Another perk to delivering at Hancock Health is, if you would like a FULL newborn session with Shawna Marie Photography, you can have it at 50% off the session fee! That's a $100 savings! All you have to do is book while you are pregnant or still in the hospital!

Here is the link to the hospital blog announcing me as their photographer
And you can check out one of my digital announcements below! If you have any questions about how this works, don't hesitate to contact me! You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 317-319-6045!

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Indiana Newborn Photographer | Meet Baby Maya

In the midst of the many seniors I have been shooting lately, I have had some newborns as well! This is the beautiful baby Maya with her Dad and her Mom as well :) If you are looking for a newborn photographer, we like to schedule you while you are still pregnant if possible! If you've already had your baby, it's ok! We will do our best to work you in. Babies photograph best in the first 10-14 days in order to get the curled up beautiful shots you see throughout my page. Give me a call 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set  your newborn session up!

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