class of 2021 It's your turn

It's that time of year! Shawna Marie Photography is looking for a group of girls and/or guys who want a fun senior photo experience over the course of their senior year! Who wants just a one and done session? Your senior year should be celebrated with much more fun than that! Get fun themed group shoots, a senior session that truly expresses who YOU are, a raw beauty shoot, an opportunity to earn a session in a destination city (So far we have done Chicago and Nashville, TN. My team votes! These can be repeated or new cities can be explored) the chance to be the cover model for our next magazine, chances to be entered into other magazines, help creating your own influencer brand and so much more! Applications are now live! Acceptance is on a first come first serve basis, so don't wait! Applications will close when all spots are full.

What are you waiting for? Sign up now! and make it a senior year to remember.

Class of 2020 it's your turn!

I've been talking about my model program the last few posts as it's time to choose my next group! This class of 2020 will be my 5th team and I am so excited to say that the experience has improved every year because I am ALWAYS striving to be better! Year number 5 is going to be amazing! But every year has been pretty great, and I have had the opportunity to connect with some really amazing young ladies. Nearly 50 girls that I still have contact with on social media ... that I am getting to watch go on to college and get their life started and hope that I played a small roll somewhere along the way. My team isn't about who's the most popular or the prettiest on the outside. I strive to show my girls inner beauty, and help them connect with girls they never would have known, but also to help them feel confident and gorgeous in their photos. I hope that every girl I've ever had on my team, and for that matter, the girls I have photographed who have not been on my team, know that they can come to me anytime for anything! In times where so many kids are taking their own lives and struggling to figure out where or how they fit in, it's important to know that there is someone out there who cares. I care! I'm always a text away, day or night. Don't ever hesitate to reach out.

I didn't set out to write about this, I was just going to show you one of my model's full gallery after her year of participating in every shoot she was able to ... but I started typing and that's what came out, so if you needed that, I hope you found this blog and that you either reach out and join this year's team, or just reach out in general. If you'd like to apply for my class of 2020 team just go to  and fill out the form!

And now, I still want to show you one of my model's full galleries! I chose Katlyn's because not only did she participate in every single shoot that she could, her own personal shoot was very diverse as she is one busy girl and involved in a LOT!  I think her photos really speak for her personality <3  To see them all go to  all you have to do to enter is type in your email address :)

Here are a couple of my faves from her shoots as well 

Indianapolis class of 2020 seniors | Join my team

If you would like to have multiple senior photo sessions, make new friends, help out the community, be pampered and treated like a model, have opportunities to earn cash and a destination session ... this team is for you! There are only 16 spots available, so apply quickly! They won't last long! Apply here

Class of 2020- It's time for me to choose a new VIP model team!

So you've been watching all my girls the last few years and always wondered how you could do this too? Well now is your chance! I am looking to fill 15 or 16 spots on my class of 2020 senior VIP team! WHY would you want to be on my team?
  1. We have a blast!
  2.  You will make awesome new friends from different schools!
  3.  You get 4-6  photo shoots for less than my top Senior session!
  4.  If you do your session early, a portion of your fee will go straight to your photo order!
  5. Unlike most Rep teams, you do not HAVE to do any sharing or pimping me out. You do have to sign a model release so *I* can share your photos, but that's IT!  I'm not saying you won't want to ... but you don't HAVE TO!
  6. You can earn a super fun destination session AND cash! This year my team voted on Chicago. Where will you want to go? Team votes!
  7. You get to be in (and possibly on the cover) of my annual magazine! These are distributed all over town and the digital version is sent to every single senior photo inquiry I receive. You can see last year's HERE!
Here are a few of my favorites from our group shoots this year! I can not wait to see what we come up with next!  If you would like to be a part of my team, applications are going out this SUNDAY (January 27th) Early bird apps are going out SATURDAY (Jan 26) to get an earlybird app email your best email address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 317-319-6045 or DM on any of my social media by FRIDAY Jan 25!

Look your best for your senior session! | Indianapolis Senior Pictures

So picture day is coming and you want to look your best! One thing I have noticed is a lot of teens coming in for photos have flaky or chapped lips. I can clean them up to a point in photoshop, but your best bet is to come in with fresh, soft dewy lips, and guess what, it's not hard at all! I have a couple of great recipes to get you going! So want soft fresh lips like these? Check out these great Do it your self lip scrubs and balms!

And if you don't know where to get the essential oils for these recipes, you can get a starter kit right here! Get my Essential Oil Starter kit

Class of 2019 Senior Elexus | Indianapolis Senior Photographer

Elexus came in at the end of summer for her senior session. She did my VIP session, so we had some really great variety! We did a couple in my home studio, then we hit up the local library, her high school, an old abandoned train, a friend's house with a great pond, Falls park and downtown Fortville! We crammed a TON in and had a blast doing it! She started out getting her makeup done by my hair and makeup artist, Amy. Then we did her studio shots with a messy bun. After that, Amy finished up her hair and we took off for the rest of our session. At our 2nd to last stop, we had water, and even though she knew we had one more place to go, she got all in and even soaked her hair ... a little scrunching and it was gorgeous for her next location as well! Here are a couple of photos from our day, and then if you want to see the full session, you can watch her video on my You Tube channel!  Be sure to subscribe while you're there!

If you're ready for your session, I am booking class of 2019 Spring sessions and I am booking 2020 summer and Fall sessions plus taking emails to get on my list of people to email about my VIP Model team that will go out in Jan/Feb. Email me to book your session or get on the list! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shawna Marie Photography | Senior Model VIP program

Hey all! I am in the middle of crazy season "aka Fall" so my blog is, as usual, way behind. I wanted to share a bit about my senior model or VIP program though. I am getting close to looking for my 2020 group and I know there are a lot of questions! My model group is really more of a VIP experience than your typical senior rep deal. My girls do pay to be in my program. The only REQUIREMENT you have to fulfill for me is to sign a model release so that I can share your photos.  The main point of this is to be a part of a really cool, fun group, get extra themed shoots, try to give back to the community a little and just have a FUN experience being pampered and treated like a model. Can you do more? YES! I do have some incentives (like a super fun destination shoot) that you can earn, and my girls get cash for referrals as well, but you do not HAVE to do anything or  get a certain amount. It's all up to you on what you want to earn! We also make a super fun magazine that gets placed in local businesses, shared with every client who inquires about a session and every girl on my team is featured in it and gets one of their own to keep. My girls are also encouraged to write an article/story/howto  or something of interest to them that will be published in the magazine as well if they like.  We have a really good time and it's a great chance to find some new friends as I take girls from many different schools. I'm going to share a few photos from this year's team shoots. Our destination for those who earned it this year was Chicago (I or the girls pick a few places and everyone votes, so who knows what we will do next!) Check these photos out, and if you are even the slightest bit interested in joining my class of 2020 team, just go here and fill this out! All that will happen is I will email you a link to the application when it comes out! If you want to join you can fill it out and submit! I only take 15 girls, so there is a selection process, but the sooner you apply, the better your chances!

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Yes! I photograph guys too! | Indianapolis Senior Pictures

I get asked this question frequently, and I know I share much more girl stuff than guy stuff, but that's because more girls LOVE having their pics taken. Guys mostly do it for mom! But I LOVE taking senior guys pics, and they all end up having a good time by the time we are done ... even if mom had to drag them here to start! To make your experience the best it can be, let's incorporate your hobbies! I can always come up with fun sports shots, and cars/trucks? My fave! If you tell me what you're interested in, I will find a way to incorporate it! My own son is a senior this year, and computers and video games are his thing ... I haven't done a session like that yet, but I have been thinking and thinking and can't wait to make him play! ha! He's not thrilled either, but we will have a good time! In the mean time, here are a few (er a lot ) of my favorite guy shots!  Sorry, it was hard to narrow down! SO, GUYS (Or Guys MOMS) if you haven't booked yet, what are you waiting for? Shoot me an email or give me a call or text! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 317-319-6045


Hayleigh | Rushville Consolidated High School Class of 2019

One of my favorite senior products, and definitely a favorite among my senior clients is my custom senior book. About 90% of my seniors walk away with one of these! They are all custom designed specifically for each kid, so none of them are exactly the same. Hayleigh is one of my class of 2019 seniors that just recently finished up her ordering session. I love her book and wanted to share it with you! Also, a few of my favorite images from her session!


Madge: Class of 2019 Greenfield Central High School Senior

Class of 2019, we are rolling right along! If you haven't booked your session yet, you might want to jump on that right now! Call me/ Text me: 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  If you re class of 2020, I am already taking names of those interested in my model program! If you want the info before it goes public, sign up here!
Once you have done that, come back here and check out Madge's session! I am going to do something I don't always do here. I'm going to show you her WHOLE session! Watch the video if you want to see it!

And here are a few of my absolute favorites below! We were able to incorporate lots of important things to Madge in this session, like her love of basketball and softball, and also, the lake is a place she hangs with friends, so it has meaning too! I would love to sit and plan your locations with you to come up with something that will commemorate your senior year in a fun and unique way!

Class of 2019 Senior Olivia | Indianapolis Senior pictures

I haven't had a chance to blog all of my 2019 seniors so far. It's been a very busy summer! Probably the busiest June I have ever had! I love it! We have been able to do some really fun stuff, and summer weather makes for lots of different opportunities than everyone's usual favorite, Fall (which is great too! I just love seeing more people jump in for summer!) Speaking of Fall, I have like 7 sessions left for the entire Fall season, so if you want one, get in touch asap! You can call or text 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get that taken care of! Here is one of my recent seniors, Olivia from Rushville Consolidated High School. Olivia is (obviously) quite the artist and she also plays softball for her school. Here is her sneak video and a couple of my favorite images from her session!


You did your senior session where? | Indianapolis Senior Pictures

Don't get me wrong, I love taking photos in parks and urban areas, but I can't even tell you how excited I get when I get to use a more off the wall location. Be different! Be unique! What's exciting for you? Where is your absolute most favorite place to hang out? This ends our series on getting out of the box for now, but I would LOVE for you to add to our story! Let us create something just for you! I just have a few summer / fall dates left for the class of 2019, so be sure to get in touch asap! You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 317-319-6045!  In the mean time, check out this amazing session we did in a record store! So much thanks to  Vinyl Rescue Project LLC in Greenwood  for allowing us to invade their space! Be sure to check them out if you are into music and vinyl! They have a great collection new and old! Check them out here!

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Indiana Senior Pictures | Olivia Eastern Hancock Class of 2016

Olivia was one of my class of 2016 senior models. My models get some great perks like extra sessions and they get featured in my senior Magazine which you can see here!  Olivia chose to have her own senior session at Ft. Harrison State Park. She also participated in the model shoots at the abandoned train yard and the Indiana State Fair.  If you are looking for a fun and unique session, give me a call 317-319-6045 and we can plan your day just for you! Who are you? What do you want your senior portraits to portray? I'd love to meet you and help design your perfect day of photos! I also have a wonderful hair and makeup artist to complete your look!  I have just a few more April Sessions available for the class of 2016, so book soon! I am also booking summer and fall sessions for the class of 2017! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Indianapolis Senior Photographer | Congratulations Class of 2016!

What a year! I had quite the group of seniors this past year.  Academic scholarships, athletic scholarships and just an all out great group of genuinely nice girls! I couldn't be prouder of them for all they accomplished throughout their senior year. It's not easy to say goodbye to this group! But not forever! I expect you all to come back to me when it's time for babies! (I know your parents are saying SLOW DOWN! Not yet! lol!) But you know ... when that time comes, I'm here!

Congratulations on graduating and God Bless you all! I wish you all much success in your future. I can't wait to see what and where it brings you! Keep in touch! I would love to hear from each and every one of you, and if you need anything that I can help with, be sure to ask:)    xoxo  ~Shawna


Indianapolis Senior Photographer |Class of 2017 Senior Models

Class of 2017! It is YOUR time! I am so excited about this! I am not sure if it's because my own daughter is a senior, or if it's because of all of the ideas I have. I'm ready to blow all of your friends away with your pics! When we are done with your session, your story is going to be told, and all of your friends are going to be so jealous of your photos! (you know, unless you tell them to come see me too!)

My senior models this year are killing it! We have done 2 group sessions at this point and they have rocked them both! Now let's meet them!

This is Ava! Ava is a cheer leader at Greenfield Central High School! I don't know about you, but I'm thinking this girl has a future in modeling. She killed this shoot!

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This is Brianna! Brianna is a softball player at Noblesville High School! I may be partial since I'm a ginger myself, but the camera LOVES her red hair!

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This is Casey! Casey is a softball player at Greenfield Central High School. She rocked the grunge look for me at this shoot! Looking HOT HOT HOT you know those bikers in the background were loving it.

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This is Claire! Claire is a softball player at Franklin Central High School and she's knocking them out of the park at our Victory Field shoot! Claire is committed to play softball for Butler University next year!


This is Isabel! Isabel goes to Nexus Academy of Indianapolis. Isabel isn't just gorgeous in front of the camera, she knows her way around behind it too! She's done some great work!

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This is Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn plays softball, basketball and runs cross country for Alexandria Monroe High School. She's looking amazing and All-American Girlish for our "take me out to the ballgame" shoot!


This is Karoline aka Coco! Coco is a soccer player for Greenfield Central High School! Doesn't she have the most beautiful smile! Looking great at our shoot at Victory Field!


This is Katie! Katie and Coco are twins btw! Katie is a star basketball player at Greenfield Central High School! She's committed to play on Ball State's team next year. Love her eyes!


This is Madison. Madison is a Cheerleader at Speedway High School. She is also a state champion gymnast! I just LOVED her dress for our downtown shoot! She looked amazing.

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This is Makayla ... what can I say about this girl? She's MINE! My senior ...aaaahhhh and I am so not ready for this! Makayla plays softball for Greenfield Central High School. She can drive me insane, but she's pretty special and I'm very proud of her! And I might be somewhat biased, but stunning also comes to mind :)

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This is Morgan! Morgan plays tennis at Shenandoah High School! She is so cute and sweet and I just love this pic of her in downtown Indy!

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This is Morganne. Morganne plays basketball and softball at Greenfield Central High School. She was named Co-player of the year in softball this past season. I love this look on her and her hair! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!


Here a few of the girls being the perfect models at our Victory Field shoot! This was SO MUCH FUN! You can do this too ya know! You could even get a few friends together for this one! Ask me about my "add on shoots"  for seniors! I want to tell your story! What is it?



So, who's ready for this year? (AFTER WE SOAK IN THE REST OF SUMMER)  please please go slow!

Eastern Hancock High School Senior Pictures | Megan

Megan is a cheer leader at Eastern Hancock High School. She was looking for a session with a little bit of Urban (for her) and a little bit of Nature (for Mom) . We nailed that combination at this shoot! We started off the day with Hair and Makeup with my HMUA Amy. Then we went on our way! Megan was sweet and fun to work with and I couldn't wait to show her her images! This girl is flawless :)
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Fall sessions with Shawna Marie Photography are booking very quickly this year. I have 2-3 dates left in Oct and 10-15 in November and THAT IS IT! If you're hoping to get in, don't wait! Get in touch with me today! 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Indiana Senior Photographer | Featured senior of the week -

Whew, now that I am slowing down a bit, I can start sharing some of these amazing senior sessions we have had this year! Kaylee, from Greenfield Central High School, came back in Sept for her session. She had her hair and makeup done by my amazing makeup artist, Amy and then we headed to Falls Park for her session, as it was a place she spent a lot of time with her grandma. Great way to keep and make new memories. Grandma came along as well! We had a great time, and I definitely had to make her get wet! It's the best location for playing in the water :)


Indianapolis Senior Photographer | Featured senior

Meet Payton, A Greenfield Central High School Class of 2017 Senior.  I've known Payton since she was about 8. She used to spend days at a time at my house with my daughter. She was like her sister for several years. They grew apart at some point, and I hadn't seen her in awhile, so I was so excited when Payton asked me to do her senior photos! She has turned into a beautiful young woman :) Had a great time at her session! Isn't she gorgeous?

Class of 2018, I am now booking for your senior year! Give me a call 317-319-6045, or shoot me an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get you set up!  I am also looking for my class of 2018 senior model team, which will be decided upon in February, so if that interests you, definitely get ahold of me!


Indianapolis Senior Pictures |Featured Senior Brianna

Brianna was one of my class of 2017 Senior Models this year. She is one of the sweetest kids you'll ever meet! We had a great time in Noblesville finding fun places to shoot:) You've got to love that red hair! Beautiful isn't she?   If you want to see more of my senior work, check out our magazine at  and then give me a call 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule your own senior session!

Class of 2017 Seniors | Indianapolis Senior Pictures

CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF MY CLASS OF 2017 SENIORS! I hope you all have a wonderful summer! Thank you all so much for allowing me to capture this time for you! I am truly honored that you chose me! <3





























